Home > Frequently Used Forms > Donation Request Order Form

Donation Request Order Form

Please read the instructions and processes before completing the form.


Your MAHCP Executive Council, through its Communications Committee and staff, undertook a project to streamline the way requests for donations and promotional materials, also known as “swag,” are handled. The result is a new Donation Request Order Form now available for all members in good standing to print and submit to the MAHCP Executive Council. This form can also be used to request the aid of MAHCP volunteers for charity events. Examples of when this Donation Request Form could be used: requests of sponsorship for professional association conference and/or AGM coffee breaks; requests for charitable events such as runs/walks or fundraising dinners; and requests of swag to give away at events. Please make sure to read criteria before completing the form.

PLEASE NOTE: These donations are for events, not people. Any monetary requests for MAHCP members’ educational opportunities must be made to the MAHCP Professional Development Fund. The Donation Request Form is not meant for recouping costs of taking courses, nor attending conferences. The Donation Request Form is meant for charitable events.


MAHCP will endeavour to take all donation requests from members in good standing under consideration.

MAHCP also reserves the right to ask for more details on the event and to deliver a donation that may be different than what was requested, as the donations budget fluctuates year-to-year and is dependent on requests.

Please fill out the form on the back page in its entirety. Once received, the donation request will be considered by the appropriate MAHCP committees and/or executive board members.

A final decision on a donation request will be made as quickly as this process allows, as donations for more than $1,000 will be reviewed by several committees and the entire executive board, which does not meet every month. If your request is for more than $1,000, please make your request at least 60 days in advance of the event date.

Recipients of the donations must consent to have their names and photos of the event placed in the MAHCP newsletter, if space permits, and on the website/Facebook page.

Donation requests are for future – not past – events, therefore are not retroactive.