September 2009 Newsletter, AGM Info and Registration Form
Read Article: September 2009 Newsletter, AGM Info and Registration FormPlease click here for the September 2009 issue of the MAHCP Newsletter. If you are still receiving a paper copy in the mail, please…
Manitoba Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program Workshops
Read Article: Manitoba Blue Cross Employee Assistance Program WorkshopsThe Manitoba Blue Cross is holding Employee Assistance Program Worshops in September and October. See programs and dates below. You can also view all…
June 2009 Newsletter, Nomination and Scholarship Information
Read Article: June 2009 Newsletter, Nomination and Scholarship InformationPlease click here for the June 2009 issue of the MAHCP Newsletter. If you are still receiving a paper copy in the mail, please…
March 2009 Newsletter, Nomination and Scholarship Information
Read Article: March 2009 Newsletter, Nomination and Scholarship InformationPlease click here for the March 2009 issue of the MAHCP Newsletter. If you are still receiving a paper copy in the mail, please…
HEBP Healthcare Employee Benefits Plan: Health Care Plan Change, New Online Presentation
Read Article: HEBP Healthcare Employee Benefits Plan: Health Care Plan Change, New Online PresentationThrough negotiations the Manitoba Council of Health Care Unions (MCHCU) have achieved improvements to the Healthcare Employee’s Benefits Plan (HEBP). These changes provide increased…
Join PSAC in urging our government to cancel the Free Trade Deal with Colombia!!
Read Article: Join PSAC in urging our government to cancel the Free Trade Deal with Colombia!!MAHCP Members, please lend your support to the Public Service Alliance of Canada’s appeal (click here for more details). Below is an excerpt of a…
WRHA Pharmacy Program Informational Meeting
Read Article: WRHA Pharmacy Program Informational MeetingThere will be an informational meeting for the pharmacists and pharmacy technicians of the WRHA Pharmacy Program held on January 27th from 1900 to…
DSM Member Meetings (SERHA)
Read Article: DSM Member Meetings (SERHA)There will be a series of DSM Member meetings being held in January 2009. Please see attached poster for time and location details. If…
DSM Member Meetings (Winnipeg Region)
Read Article: DSM Member Meetings (Winnipeg Region)There will be a series of DSM Member meetings being held in November and December 2008. Please see attached poster for time and location…
Don’t Miss the Annual General Meeting – October 16, 2008
Read Article: Don’t Miss the Annual General Meeting – October 16, 2008Your AGM package including pre-registration form, Booklet and September Newlsetter have gone out in the mail. Important decisions are made at every AGM and…
Deadline Reminder
Read Article: Deadline ReminderMAHCP is now accepting nominations for the Executive Council 2008/09 term as well as nominations for Staff Reps. The deadline for nominations is June…
Central Table Bargaining 2006
Read Article: Central Table Bargaining 2006Please click here to read the enhancements to the recently negotiated collective agreements. March 6, 2008 We are in the final stages of…