Home > How to get set up to receive strike pay

In order to receive strike pay, you will need:

The email you received from Payworks.

  • You should have received a link from Payworks inviting you to create a login using your MAHCP-associated email address (usually, this is your personal email address). Check your junk/spam if you do not see it.

If you did NOT receive the Payworks email and it was not in your junk/spam folders, it’s likely that:

  • you are not a registered member (ie; we don’t have your email!), OR
  • your information may not be up-to-date.

Find the applicable membership forms linked in the sidebar on the right, AND contact the MAHCP Strike Pay Administrator. Please be patient, it may take some time to get set up and get the Payworks email.

Instructions + resources

Find the complete step-by-step instruction guides linked in the right sidebar, along with some tips for trouble-shooting common issues.

Here’s a quick overview of the process you’ll follow:

  1. Open the Payworks email and click on “Access your Account”.
  2. Create an email login on the application using your preferred email address. (NOTE: If you already have a Payworks login, for example, if you are paid via Payworks, you can use those same credentials to log in. You should receive a verification code to your email address.)
  3. Enter the verification code to successfully add/create your profile for MAHCP.
  4. Add your banking info to Payworks by logging in and selecting your Profile Tile on the homepage. You will need your Institution Number, Transit Number and Account Number (which can be found on a cheque or direct deposit form).

TIP: Payworks not recognizing your name?

Before contacting us, please try these steps:

  1. Check for extra spaces: If you’re using a phone, Payworks sometimes adds a space after your name. Make sure to remove any extra space before submitting.
  2. Try different name variations:
    • If you have a hyphenated last name, try entering it as two separate words.
    • If you’ve changed your name, try using your old last name instead.

If you are having trouble and have tried every step, contact the MAHCP Strike Pay Administrator for support. Please be patient while our team manages an influx of emails and requests during this time.