Meet Linda Pharand, Dental Hygienist: Bringing smiles to children of all ages
Linda Pharand, Senior Dental Hygienist with WRHA’s S.M.I.L.E plus Children’s Dental Program, clearly cares about oral hygiene. She’s made a nearly 35-year career out of…
Meet Kristine Pederson: One-half of all Manitoba’s Neuromonitorists
If you don’t work in the health-care system, and maybe even if you do, but you don’t work in the OR, IOM Technologist is likely…
Meet Colleen Peluso: CancerCare Manitoba Radiation Therapist (and so much more!)
The old adage, ‘If you want something done, ask a busy person,’ definitely applies to Colleen Peluso. From her specialized work as a Radiation Therapy…
Meet Music Therapist Cecilia Bellingham: Q & A with the HSC Program’s founder
In honour of Allied Health Week 2024, HSC Children’s Hospital Certified Music Therapist Cecilia Bellingham took time to respond to our questions about her love…
Meet Music Therapist Lacey Friesen: She doesn’t sing ALL day—oh wait, yes she does!
“Every day in the hospital I am reminded of the healing power of music and the way it is able to break down barriers with…
Meet Andrew Sonnasinh, OT: Supporting Client Quality of Life
When you meet Andrew Sonnasinh in person, it’s easy to imagine how he ended up a health-care professional. Kind, gentle, well-spoken and compassionate, Andrew is…
Meet Jasmine Masse, RSW: Connecting with clients & caregivers during challenging times
A phone conversation with Jasmine Masse, Registered Social Worker with the WRHA’s Home Care Community Stroke Care Service, is inspiring. She’s full of life and…
Meet Concordia Hospital Pharmacist Gurminder Thindh: Reading, researching and writing ‘scrips
Gurminder Thindh was just 16 when his older sister married a pharmacist, and he says that set him down the path to a career in…