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MAHCP Staffing Announcement

This memo is to inform all members that Gary Nelson has left MAHCP.

Until a replacement is in place, Labour Relations portfolios will be covered in the interim as follows:

  • Gamma Dynacare Brandon, Victoria: Walter McDowell walter@mahcp.ca
  • Northern Region: Marcya Ervick marcya@mahcp.ca
  • Cancercare Manitoba: Ken Swan ken@mahcp.ca
  • Actionmargueritte: Lee Manning will assign as needed Lee@mahcp.ca
  • Rehab Centre for Children: Lee Manning will assign as needed Lee@mahcp.ca
  • Riverview Pharmacy: Lee Manning will assign as needed Lee@mahcp.ca
  • DSM South and North: Lee Manning will assign as needed Lee@mahcp.ca
  • Society for Manitoban with Disabilities: Lee Manning will assign as needed Lee@mahcp.ca

Please direct any inquiries to the Labour Relations Officers (LRO) listed above. These assignments are subject to change due to any previously scheduled vacation periods.

Please join me in wishing Mr. Nelson well in his future endeavors.


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