Message from the President
On behalf of all MAHCP council and staff, thank you to all members who attended our 2024 Annual General Meeting on October 17. I’ve put together a brief overview of MAHCP’s activities over the past year, as well as a few meeting highlights for those who could not attend.
- In 2023/24, MAHCP ratified contracts for Community Therapy Services, Manitoba Clinic, and Manitoba Possible. At the time of the meeting, negotiations were ongoing for Aboriginal Health & Wellness, Brandon Clinic, Canadian Blood Services.
- The Central Table Bargaining Committee continues to negotiate new agreements covering the vast majority of our membership (Shared Health, Winnipeg-Churchill and Northern employers organizations). As of the AGM, we are making steady progress, and we are poised to enter monetary negotiations.
- We finalized a complex agreement with Central Table employers organizations for the distribution of the remaining $16 million of the $32-million Market Adjustment and Wage Standardization (MAWS) fund.
- We continue to pressure government for a long-term provincial allied health staffing plan. Manitoba needs a comprehensive, detailed human resource strategy specific to allied health professions. As a federal election looms, we are working with the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) and our fellow NUPGE components to ensure the health-care staffing crisis is a top election issue.
I am proud to encourage a renewed sense of power among our own members, as we must be a unified force to effect positive change. MAHCP has never been in a better position to support our members in the struggle for recognition and respect.
I want to thank MAHCP members for your commitment to care and the passion I hear from you every day. Passion for your professions and your patients. It has been my privilege to serve as President for the last two years, but there is still so much left to do. I look forward to the year ahead and what we will accomplish together.
Keep reading below for some special AGM highlights including our 2024 Honour Roll recipients, an introduction to our organization’s new visual identity, long-service staff recognition, and our acknowledgement of service for departing council members.
In solidarity,
Jason Linklater
Honour Roll Recipients
At this year’s AGM, we were proud to recognize two Honour Roll recipients for outstanding contributions to the union. Read about MAHCP members Widny Pervil and Shelley Kowalchuk.

Widny Pervil
Spiritual Care Provider, St. Boniface Hospital
Member Advocate
Read more about Widny
One of the things that is apparent about Widny is that he is a man of vision. He can see the big picture and the details at the same time, and is always looking to the future with an optimistic eye.
Widny embodies the spirit of fairness and justice in his conduct. He has great ability to make all his coworkers feel valued and supported. He is that person who would go the extra mile to ensure the people around him are treated with respect and dignity at all times. In a time that this was so needed in our health-care community, this did not go unnoticed.
In his role as a Member Advocate, Widny has worked hard to support his fellow members and coworkers at St. Boniface, especially last year during the info pickets.
His colleagues recalled stories of how Widny was not scared to “lead the troops” and make noise during the pickets. You would see him walking with his head held high and his fists in the air, especially when walking under the Employer’s windows.
Widny is a fierce advocate for justice and equity, and has been a trailblazer in establishing anti-racism initiatives at MAHCP. This year, not only did Widny help represent MAHCP members at the National Union of Public and Government Employees (NUPGE) Black Indigenous People of Colour Conference, but he also represented the Black community in our newsletter during Black History Month.
- YOU have made a significant contribution in the way people see our union.
- YOU have built bridges and advocated for fairness in the workplace, and you have done so in a very consistent manner.
- YOU have a good understanding on how to make our union visible in big moments, and
- YOU have the ability to take little opportunities and turn them to something very beneficial for everyone.
On behalf of everyone, MAHCP and your coworkers, thank you.
Shelley Kowalchuk
Former Executive Council member (Director, District 16)
Read more about Shelley
Shelley served as Secretary for MAHCP’s Executive Council across three terms, where her organizational skills and leadership have been invaluable. She also chaired the Communications and Member Engagement Committees, ensuring that our members stayed informed and connected. Her passion for action was seen during three years as chair of the Social Action Committee where she organized key events for MAHCP such as the Canadian Diabetes Run.
Shelley has always been at the forefront of keeping our members engaged, particularly during bargaining years. Through the Bargaining Beats newsletter, letter-writing campaigns to MLAs and sending postcards to the Minister of Health, she made sure that our voices were heard loud and clear.
Shelley’s editorial work on our union newsletter won accolades, including an award from the Canadian Association of Labour Media. She co-chaired the Management Committee and even stepped in as co-treasurer, exemplifying her versatility and dedication to MAHCP.
Shelley has also been a strike captain, demonstrated at the Legislature, represented MAHCP on the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Women’s Committee and sat on her worksite’s Workplace Health and Safety committee. As a staff Representative at the Rehabilitation Hospital for 20 years, she has been a trusted advocate for Physiotherapy staff, offering guidance and support to her colleagues.
Beyond her union work, Shelley has volunteered tirelessly at her church and recently, in retirement, has involved herself in political advocacy more, continuing her legacy of service.
Shelley Kowalchuk, your dedication and service have left an incredible mark on this organization, and we are deeply grateful. Thank you.
Our refreshed brand
We were excited to launch a new logo and visual identity at the AGM. MAHCP’s membership is professional and specialized, with an unparalleled commitment to excellence in care, patient and client-centredness, and bold innovation. We hope our new visual identity captures these sentiments and connects with you — that you see yourself represented — and that you’re proud to be a member of MAHCP.
Watch the video below to see the brand come to life
Staff Recognition
The MAHCP staff is tremendous, continuously fighting hard for our members with the utmost professionalism. This year marked an important milestone for six staff members, recognized below for their service.
Dustin Czmola
Labour Relations Officer
Karen Finlay
Administrative Assistant
Gill Gagné
Labour Relations Officer
Tim Smith
Manager of Special Projects
Cory Szczepanski
Senior Labour Relations Officer
Cheryl Beal
Labour Relations Officer
Executive Council
MAHCP’s Executive Council effectively represents the diversity of our professional occupations – the knowledge they bring as leaders provides thoughtful governance to our organization. Thank you to the current and outgoing Executive Council directors for the 2023-24 term. We are grateful for your advocacy for allied health professionals across the province.
Kevin Chalus
District 1 – Northern East
Matt Hollingshead
Shelagh Parken
District 12 – Winnipeg South
Margrét Thomas
District 9 – Winnipeg Notre Dame
Event Photos