Home > News & Events > Update on Representation Votes

MAHCP and other unions met with Commissioner Robert Pruden this morning, the government appointee who is overseeing the upcoming health care representation votes. Commissioner Pruden has not yet set the timing for these votes. We are all waiting eagerly for that information and we will communicate it to you as soon as we have it, but at this point we are still waiting.

The Commissioner did confirm that the vote will be electronic, with a telephone option, and he also intends to deliver unique PINs to each eligible voter via Canada Post. Please make sure that your employer has your correct mailing address so you receive that PIN in a timely manner once voting is scheduled. He also indicated that there will be a Help Line available for any eligible voter to call and get assistance during the voting period.

If you’re still wondering whether you will be voting or not, here’s a list of who is included:

MAHCP members who will be included in the Shared Health vote are:

• Shared Health
• CancerCare Manitoba
• Rehabilitation Centre for Children

MAHCP members who will be included in the WRHA vote are:

• St. Boniface Hospital
• All community hospitals and health centres
• Actionmarguerite

We know you have a lot of questions – not just about the representation votes but about all the changes that are being forced on our members. MAHCP will continue coming to you with as many in-person opportunities as possible. We want to meet with you directly and answer any questions you may have. If we haven’t been to your worksite lately, please feel free to contact us and we will set up a meeting as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing you soon.

In the meantime, visit onestrongvoice.ca, like us on Facebook and feel free to send an email to info@mahcp.ca or directly to me at bobm@mahcp.ca with any questions or concerns.

In solidarity,
Bob Moroz, President

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