Home > News & Events > Central Table Bargaining 2010


December 19, 2011
Central Table Memorandum of Settlement – Final “agreed to” document December 2011.

October 19, 2011
On October 3rd  the Medical Physics members of CCMB ratified the tentative agreement. On October 17th the members of Electronics have ratified the tentative agreement. Also on October 17th the Radiation Therapists agreed to go to interest arbitration for unresolved monetary issues. On October 18th the majority of members of Breast Health Clinic Clerical voted in favour of ratification of the tentative agreement.


September 28, 2011
MAHCP Central Table Vote Results – Please click here.
Thank you to all who came to vote and exercise their democratic right.

September 19, 2011
In response to questions raised from ratification meetings, the bonus week of vacation post-ratification will take effect in the 2011 vacation year.

September 7, 2011

The following is in response to some queries we have received since the bargaining update and the poster for the ratification meetings were sent.
The poster should have been titled:
Ratification Vote Meetings
As per the earlier communication and web site posting:
“Your bargaining committee is recommending ratification/acceptance of the agreement.”
Members of the bargaining committee will be giving a presentation of the highlights of the tentative agreement and opportunity to raise questions. These presentations will be repeated approximately every 1/2 hour.  There will also be copies of the highlights available at registration.
All employees including casuals are entitled to vote.
For further information regarding the process please see the update of August 31.

In Solidarity,
Wendy Despins MLT MAHCP President
Chair of Central Table Bargaining Committee

September 2, 2011
The Ratification/Strike Vote meetings have been set up and will begin on September 12, 2011.  For specific dates, times and sites, please click here to view the poster.

The highlights and details of the tentative collective agreement will be presented at the meetings.

August 31, 2011
You can put away the MAHCP Strike Readiness posters until we have the results of the votes on the collective agreement.

It has been a Grind!  But we are done! We have now had a total of 79 days of bargaining, and we have reached a tentative agreement. Your bargaining committee is recommending ratification/acceptance of the agreement. Membership meetings are being booked for mid September for voting, at which time specifics of the agreement will be presented. Members may attend and vote at any location that is convenient. The schedules will be available on MAHCP bulletin boards, and the MAHCP web site.

When you cast your ballet if you vote “yes” you are voting to accept the agreement. If you vote “no” you are voting to reject the proposed collective agreement and would be voting to strike.

If the majority of voting members reject the agreement at any location, meetings will be held with the affected members to discuss the next steps.

Once the agreement has been ratified all the changes must then be incorporated into the collective agreements. Once that task is completed the bargaining committee will then proof all the individual agreements. Following proofing, all the agreements and all the attached memorandums of understanding (MOU’s) need to be signed by the both the MAHCP bargaining team and the employer. This is the final step before the documents are sent for printing. Agreements will then be posted on the MAHCP website. If you prefer not to have a printed copied mailed to your home please contact Joan at joan@mahcp.ca.

I hope that you extend a heartfelt thank you to your bargaining team members. They have spent countless hours proofing, reading, debating, discussing, researching and preparing arguments to present to the employer on your behalf. They have done a tremendous job of representing all members, occupations and regions.

Your Bargaining Team:

Shirley Luczenczyn       HSC Children’s Radiology

Clara Collier                Concordia Hospital Respiratory

Jason Linklater            HSC Orthopedic Technology

Shelagh Parken           St. Boniface Hospital Nuclear Med Technologist

Cathy Atkinson            Deer Lodge Centre Recreation Therapist

Tanya Burnside           Thompson Hospital Pharmacy Technician

Allan Harlow                DSM Concordia Hospital Laboratory Technologist

Jo-Anne Peltz              St. Boniface Hospital Physiotherapist

Wendy Despins           DSM St Boniface Hospital (Chairperson) Laboratory Technologist

Cheryl Keller                EMS SeRHA, EMT1

Janelle Morissette        DSM HSC, Laboratory Technologist

Lee Manning                (Lead Negotiator) Executive Director
In Solidarity,
Wendy Despins MLT MAHCP President
Chair of Central Table Bargaining Committee

July 6, 2011

It seems a lifetime ago since our last update and really it is only a few months ago. For your bargaining team it feels as if our entire lives are consumed by bargaining. Since September we have had 56 days of bargaining. We are carrying on through the summer with a couple of days in July and 8 days the first two weeks of August (4th to 12th).

To date we have:
1.Completed the bargaining for all central table non-monetary
2.Amalgamated the 11 DSM agreements
3.Amalgamated the 4 WRHA Corporate agreements
4.Amalgamated the 5 WRHA Pharmacy agreements
5.Completed local table agreements for:

a)    Brandon
b)    Burntwood
c)    NorMan
d)    South Eastman
e)    DSM
f)     WRHA HSC
g)    CCMb
h)    SBH
i)      WRHA Pharmacy
j)      WRHA Corporate

6.Prepared the Joint Monetary proposal package (75 pages double sided), this includes all the outstanding proposals from both the Employer and MAHCP. The next meeting dates will be dedicated to the monetary proposal package.

We will have a better sense in August as to timelines, and when we will be meeting with the membership to vote on a collective agreement. Things may move very quickly or they may not, it is very hard to gauge. Once we know we will use everything means of communication at our disposal to advise membership as to when and where meetings might be held:
a)    The bargaining update distribution list
b)    Posters
c)    Canada Post
d)    Telephone fan outs
e)    The MAHCP website
f)     All of you on the distribution list

Once again a reminder that Janet Fairbairn is the Provincial Strike Coordinator and she has almost completed contacting staff representatives and members creating the list of strike captains.  As noted earlier this process is done in preparation for, and not because a strike is a foregone conclusion. She will still welcome names of members as strike captains. Your participation as Chief Strike Captains and Local Strike Captains is necessary for a successful outcome. Please confirm by replying to this email with your name and contact information if you have not already done so.

A number of you have supplied us with personal emails and there are still many that we are looking forward to receiving. We will be looking to you for help to get as many personal emails from members as possible.  This is important in the event of a strike as information can change very quickly and to make arrangements with members to receive their strike pay.

In Solidarity,
Wendy Despins MLT MAHCP President
Chair of Central Table Bargaining Committee

May 6, 2011

Since our last update we have now completed the amalgamation of the master collective agreements for each of the following three entities; Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM), WRHA Regional Pharmacy Program and the WRHA Corporate Program.

We have completed the bargaining on all of the central table non-monetary language and will begin bargaining the local table non-monetary language. This will include the three entities; Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM), WRHA Regional Pharmacy Program and the WRHA Corporate Program.

We resume bargaining on May 26, and we have been able to increase the number of bargaining days in June. Four more dates have been added taking us now to June 30th.

Janet Fairbairn Provincial Strike Coordinator continues work on the creation of a Strike Committee. As noted earlier this process is done in preparation for, and not because a strike is a foregone conclusion. She is currently recruiting members to get involved as strike captains. Your participation as Chief Strike Captains and Local Strike Captains is necessary for a successful outcome. Please confirm by replying to this email with your name and contact information if you have not already done so.

A number of you have supplied us with personal emails and there are still many that we are looking for. We will be looking to you for help to get as many personal emails from members as possible.  This is important in the event of a strike as information can change very quickly and to make arrangements with members to receive their strike pay.

In Solidarity,
Wendy Despins MAHCP President
Chair of Central Table Bargaining Committee

March 1, 2011

There is not a great deal to report in this update, we have just completed another three days of bargaining.

Work has continued on creating an amalgamated master agreement for each of the following three entities; Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM), WRHA Regional Pharmacy Program and the WRHA Corporate Program. As mentioned in the previous update these amalgamated agreements will form the starting point to then begin bargaining for those groups, in concert with the other Central Table Agreements.

This task is very labour intensive and we are about halfway through.

We are looking at booking more dates that will take us through the third week of June.

We are back at the table in mid March.

February 11, 2011

As you know we have met several times since mid September through December. Then bargaining resumed in mid January and throughout February.  As stated in the last update the bargaining committee continues to negotiate the non-monetary potion of the central table agreement.

The non-monetary proposal package tabled by the Employer involves vacation language, standardization of language across collective agreements, weekend work, overtime accumulation, and flex time.

The bargaining committee has also begun the work of negotiating with the employer on the amalgamation of all of the Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM) agreements into one singular document. Likewise the same activity is occurring for the WRHA Regional Pharmacy Program Master agreement and the WRHA Corporate Program agreement.  These amalgamated agreements will form the starting point to then begin bargaining for those groups.

The three new collective agreements have been the focus of the committee during the past few meeting dates and the committee is finding this process to be very arduous.

Once all of this work is completed, bargaining will commence for the local issues, followed by the monetary package.

We have dates booked until April 29th and are pursuing dates with the Employer beyond that time.

December 21, 2010

The bargaining committee has met with the Employer seventeen times since bargaining began in late September 2010.

The committee has been working through an extensive document of non-monetary proposals and will be continuing to do so into the New Year. This proposal document is a combination of the proposals from both parties and is over thirty pages double sided.

The non-monetary proposal package tabled by the Employer involves vacation language, standardization of language across collective agreements, weekend work, overtime accumulation, and flextime.

There is also a sizable monetary proposal package on the table that will be dealt with following the completion of non monetary.

In addition to these two sizeable proposal packages, there are three new collective agreements to be worked out and local table proposals that are site and region specific to be dealt with as well.

Overall, there is an enormous amount to do, and in order to facilitate this we have a month?s worth of working days booked between the start of the New Year and the beginning of April.

The bargaining committee is working hard to move the process along however, realistically; it is safe to assume that we will likely be at the bargaining table well past April of 2011.

April 16, 2010

Our Negotiating team has been meeting for the last few weeks to receive training and to become familiar with our union’s proposals. In the next few weeks, they will be continuing to meet to discuss strategies and priorities.

Here is your Bargaining team! They come from a variety of backgrounds, and combine Executive Council members, experienced negotiators and newer members. We have representation from both rural and urban settings.

They are:
Shirley Luczenczyn, HSC Children’s Radiology
Clara Collier, Concordia Hospital Respiratory
Jason Linklater, HSC Orthopedic Technology
Oleksandra Synova, DSM HSC Laboratory
Shelagh Parken, St. Boniface Hospital Nuclear Med Technologist
Cathy Atkinson, Deer Lodge Centre Recreation Therapist
Tanya Burnside, Thompson Hospital Pharmacy Technician
Allan Harlow, DSM Concordia Hospital Laboratory Technologist
Jo-Anne Peltz, St. Boniface Hospital Physiotherapist
Wendy Despins, DSM St Boniface Hospital (Chairperson) Laboratory Technologist

Cheryl Keller EMS SeRHA (alternate) EMT1
Janelle Morissette DSM HSC (alternate) Laboratory Technologist
Lee Manning (Lead Negotiator) Executive Director

Once our training meetings are completed by the end of the month, we will be ready for bargaining with the employer.

Bargaining Process Flow Chart

Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Louis Riel Day.