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Come for the races and stay for the barbecue!


The MAHCP Conquer-Oars are looking for paddlers to join their Dragon Boat team on the waters of Lake Shirley June 2 and 3, in benefit of the Canadian Cancer Society.

The River City Dragon Boat Festival, which takes place at the Manitoba Waterski & Wakeboard Park (365 Murdock Road in east Winnipeg), is a chance to savour the great outdoors, share laughs with your teammates and enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere and entertainment.

For 2017, the team will also be enjoying a free barbecue on Saturday, June 3!

If you can’t make it out to the event, the Conquer-Oars hope that you consider making a donation to the team via its profile page: http://convio.cancer.ca/site/TR/Manitobathirdpartyevent/DRAGON_MB_/1528422187?pg=team&fr_id=23013&team_id=357499

All donations go towards the work of the research teams that the Canadian Cancer Society supports in Manitoba, including right here in Winnipeg.

Email MAHCPdragonboat@gmail.com for more information or to sign up for the team.

Paddles up MAHCP Conquer-Oars!


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