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See How Our Union Works from the Inside ….. Join the MAHCP Executive Council 2015-17


Call for Nominations

Nominations for the 2015-2016 Executive3 Council are due at the MAHCP office, 101-1500 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 0P9 on or before 1600 hours on June 26th, 2015.

In order to be valid, a nomination must be signed by MAHCP members in good standing, who are members of the same geographical region, occupational and/or special interest group that the position presents. The nomination must also include the signature of acceptance of the eligible nominee.

The Executive Council of MAHCP monitors the business affairs of the Association, plans policy, and sets direction for the Executive Director to follow. The Constitution permits representation from each geographical health region, each occupational group with ten or more members, and each special interest group.

Should any member believe that a particular occupational group is eligible for a seat on the Council under the Constitution, please forward a duly completed nomination for consideration by the Executive Council. Nominations will be accepted for two year terms.

The following board members are finishing the 1st year of a 2 year term as of the 2015 Annual General Meeting and will continue to sit on the Executive Council 2015-2016:

President: Bob Moroz
Aboriginal Health & Wellness Centre: Albert Ratt
Clinics: Sherry Lussier
Community Therapy Services: Margrét Thomas
EEG: Jodi Kent
Nuclear Medicine: Shelagh Parken
Radiology: Michael Kleiman
Respiratory: Victoria Fabris
Social Work: Renée Friesen
Spiritual Care: Michael Thibert
Winnipeg Region: Janelle Morrisette

The following board members are finishing the 2nd year of a 2 year term as of the 2015 Annual General Meeting:

Vice President: Al Harlow
Pharmacy: Bob Bulloch
Medical Physics CCMB: Chad Harris
Physiotherapy: Shelley Kowalchuk
Cardiology: Colleen Bemister
Laboratory: James Stevenson
Recreation: Zana Anderson
Northern Health Region East: Tanya Burnside
Northern Health Region West: Lesa Nordick

Any inquiries regarding the nomination/election process can be directed to the MAHCP office via mail, phone (1-204-772-0425), e-mail (info@mahcp.ca), fax (1-204-775-6829), or by our toll free number (1-800-315-3331).

A nomination form can be obtained by calling the MAHCP office or downloading the documents here:

In Solidarity,
Margrét Thomas
Chair-Nominations Committee


MAHCP’S Election Process Explained

The election of the Executive Council members is the responsibility of the Governance Committee, and is directed by the Nominations Committee which is responsible for ensuring that the election of both Executive Council members and Staff Representatives is managed in a way consistent with the constitution and Executive Council policies of MAHCP.

The Nominations Committee is made up of members of the Governance Committee who are in the 1st year of a 2 year term of office and the Chair of the Governance Committee or designate acts as the Chair.

The following timelines guide the election process:

March 2015 – First call for Nominations published in the MAHCP Newsletter March edition.

June 2015 – Second call for Nominations published in the MAHCP Newsletter June edition.

June 26, 2015 – Deadline for the acceptance of Nominations for Executive Council – last Friday in June.

July 10, 2015 – Deadline for candidates to be informed of need for election process – within 2 weeks of the deadline for Nominations.

July 24, 2015 – Deadline for candidates to be informed that they have been elected by acclamation – within 4 weeks of the deadline for Nominations.

July 31, 2015 – Deadline for candidates to provide information to be included in mail-in ballot package – 3 weeks after being informed that election process is needed.

Aug 7, 2013 – Mail out of ballot packages.

September 4, 2015 – Deadline for ballots to be returned to be counted.

September 8, 2015 – Provision of ballots to external agent for counting.

September 14, 2015 – Provision of ballot count results to Chair of Nominations committee – within 4 working days.

September 28, 2015 – Candidates notified of ballot count results – within 2 weeks of ballot count.

Announcement of the membership of the Executive Council 2015-2016 will be made to the general membership at the Annual General Meeting October 2015.

When nomination forms are received at the MAHCP office they are date-stamped, placed in secure storage, and acknowledgment of receipt is sent by regular mail by the MAHCP office staff.

As soon as possible after the close of nominations, the Chair of the Nominations committee will review the nominations and is responsible for notifying the candidates either that they have been elected by acclamation, or that they will proceed to an election process. Candidates in an election process are notified by registered mail to ensure that they receive notification.

Ballot packages are mailed to those eligible to vote with a double envelope system for response, to ensure privacy of voting. When ballots are received in the MAHCP office, the inner envelopes are date stamped and placed unopened in a locked box for counting by an external agent at the deadline for reception of ballots.

Ballots received after the deadline are date stamped and kept unopened as they will not be counted. All ballots are kept secure until permission for their destruction is received at the Annual General Meeting.