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Government’s Emergency Order on Vaccine “Queue Jumping”

You may have already heard about the Manitoba Government’s most recent attempt to deflect attention away from their pandemic response and cast blame on health care workers.  Last Friday they released an “emergency order” suggesting, without any evidence, that some health care staff may have jumped the queue to receive the vaccine before they were eligible.  A memo was circulated from Shared Health, and the Manitoba Government also announced the emergency order in Vaccine Bulletin #47 that same day.

This latest move is unnecessary, punitive and disrespectful.  It unfairly targets Allied Health Professionals and other health care staff who have risked their safety to make sure Manitobans get the care they need during this pandemic.  It is yet another slap in the face to our members from this government, and there is clearly no “emergency” or other need for it.

I have heard countless stories from members of the confusion, lack of information and troubling accessibility issues that have defined the vaccine rollout.  If the government or Employer has concerns about who has received the vaccine and when, then they should look within at their own performance.  Their primary concern right now should be ensuring that all Manitobans, including health care professionals, have access to vaccination as quickly and efficiently as possible.

MAHCP has already registered our objections publicly and in writing to the Employer, and we will continue to stand up against this unnecessary and unfair attempt to target our members.  Please feel free to share your stories directly with me at bobm@mahcp.ca.

In solidarity,

Bob Moroz, MAHCP President



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