Home > News & Events > Home emails needed to vote in MAHCP Vice-Presidential election

Dear MAHCP members,

We want your say! This September, MAHCP will be holding an election for Vice-President, and we need your current home or personal email addresses.

The reason is simple: in 2016, MAHCP moved to electronic voting to give as many members as possible the chance to vote in as convenient and easy a manner as possible.

This initiative has proven successful, as we’ve had more engagement in votes involving electronic ballots.

Informing us can easily be done by sending an email from your home or personal address to info@mahcp.ca and including your full name (so our staff can find you in our database to update an email or add you to our database).

Please share this information with as many of your MAHCP colleagues as possible so that we have as many members as possible voting in this important election!

Also, please make sure to check your spam folder, as sometimes MAHCP emails end up there, even though our staff tries to avoid this as much as possible from our end.

The MAHCP Vice Presidential election will run Sept. 5-12, and a VP Debate will take place from 5-7 p.m. on Aug. 30 at Canad Inns HSC. For those members who can’t attend the debate in-person, it will be recorded and available for viewing soon after.

There are two candidates running for Vice President: Tanya Burnside and Janet Fairbairn. Their bios are available on the MAHCP website: https://mahcp.ca/2017-mahcp-vice-presidential-election/


Thank you,

Michael Kleiman
Chair- Nominations Committee

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