Home > News & Events > Listening Tour: Share your expert insights with government

MAHCP members have opportunities to provide valuable health care insights and feedback to our new provincial government via the Health Care Listening Tour and associated online survey (launched January 11, 2024).

We encourage you to raise your voices and participate, both as frontline health professionals and as concerned Manitobans. Our government needs to hear directly from allied health professionals about unsafe working conditions, staffing shortages and the struggles you’ve been enduring. You are the experts and you know what you need to succeed. Together, we can deliver a strong, united message that fixing health care is the TOP priority for Manitobans, and that allied health is an essential partner in shaping the solution. 

In-person Facility Events
Premier Kinew and Minister of Health, Seniors and Long-term Care, Honourable Uzoma Asagwara, kicked off their health care listening tour at Grace Hospital on Dec. 8, followed by St. Boniface Hospital on Jan. 10, and Selkirk Mental Health Centre on February 5. Over the next several months, they will visit:

Bethesda Regional Health Centre
Brandon Regional Health Centre – March 28, 2024
Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg
Thompson General Hospital
Victoria General Hospital – March 19, 2024

If you work at one of these locations, your employer will notify you of your facility’s upcoming event. MAHCP encourages you to register once you’ve received information, attend the session if you’re able, and plan your questions and comments.
The listening tour is for employees ONLY; employers, unions and media will not be represented. This is your opportunity to speak freely and directly to leaders about the pressures you’re under and to report on the resources you need to provide quality care to patients and clients. 

As more dates and locations are confirmed, they will be added to the government’s EngageMB site: Listening to Health Care Workers | EngageMB
Health Care Workers Survey: Survey | EngageMB
In addition to in-person sessions, the Government of Manitoba has launched a brief survey as a starting point to collect information from health care workers about your experiences and ideas for change. They will be compiling and publicly reporting on themes shared in the survey and using your feedback to help inform future initiatives and investments.

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.