Home > News & Events > MAHCP launches ‘One Strong Voice Together’ campaign

The Government of Manitoba is drastically reducing the number of unions representing health care workers in our province.

They are doing this by asking you to vote for which union will represent your interests and needs in the future.

With 50 years of experience representing MAHCP members, we are the experts in advocating for the rights and benefits of all Technical, Professional and Paramedical Health Care Professionals in Manitoba.

We are facing this challenge head on and have launched the One Strong Voice campaign to generate member and public awareness, to rally support for the campaign, and to promote the invaluable health care being provided every day by the membership we serve.

This campaign, which starts today, will include television, online video and radio ads over the next months. The television ad can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnoXWxiFcPg

Please check out the campaign website at https://onestrongvoice.ca/ and ask your friends, family and colleagues to add their voices so we can be One Strong Voice TOGETHER.

Our Members. Your Health. Every Day.

In Solidarity,

Bob Moroz, MAHCP President

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.