Home > News & Events > MAHCP launches postcard campaign


Meet us at the table … We need to settle this

That’s the main message of a new postcard campaign launched by the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals as part of the Central Table bargaining strategy.

The goal of this campaign is to bring to the attention of the Manitoba Health Minister, Sharon Blady, the frustrating state the Central Table negotiations are at.

The postcard also includes a request to the Minister for a monetary mandate for the employer’s side so that a deal can finally be reached.

The MAHCP Communications Committee had long wanted to put into action a postcard campaign. Along with Communications Officer Bernice Pontanilla and Admin’s Joan Ewonchuk, this postcard became a reality over the summer.

It’s our hope that members will sign the cards and write in their job title, work site and location.

So far the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, with hundreds of cards already signed. Thank you for your participation!

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.