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MAHCP Meeting with HSC Members


April 16, 2015

MAHCP President Bob Moroz met with staff reps and members at HSC on Thursday, April 16, 2015, to discuss many issues related to the ongoing bargaining and MAHCP member news and events.

President Moroz said he was pleased with the great turnout of members, as several dozen came out over the lunch hour to grab some pizza, listen to the updates and provide important feedback.

“I enjoyed meeting with members and hearing their direct thoughts,” said Moroz, adding that feedback and questions are always welcome, especially during a delicate time such as contract negotiations. “Our members are hopeful for a good outcome and made it clear that they think we’re moving in the right direction.”

Among the other topics discussed was the distribution of portfolios to new Labour Relations Officers Cheryl Beal, Scott McLaren, Michele Eger and Birgit Molinski. MAHCP is moving quickly on that front, which means a heightened level of service.

Moroz was also encouraged by the positive interest expressed by members in participating or volunteering for upcoming activities, such as the Lace Up with Team Diabetes event at Assiniboine Park on Sunday, May 24, 2015.

For more information on that event, visit www.events.runningroom.com or call the Canadian Diabetes Association at 204-925-3800.



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