Home > News & Events > MAHCP President Bob Moroz updates members on funds, unions’ coordination


Standardization Fund

As reported to you in December, the Standardization Fund has been finalized and salary scales have been reviewed. We will be posting these new scales on our website as soon as possible so that the affected members have a reference to verify the changes in their wages as they are implemented by the employer. A separate, more detailed explanation will be provided shortly.

The distribution of this fund was delayed somewhat a few weeks ago as the Employer encountered an issue within their payroll record keeping that needed to be dealt with. Essentially, the employer(s) may not have had an increment date record of those members who have been at the “top of scale” prior to the WRHA migrating to the newer SAP payroll system. Our response to the Employer was that we were not going to agree to altering any member’s anniversary date. Of course, that meant that the employer would have had to go back to previous payroll providers to determine those dates. As frustrating as that may be, it is the obligation of the various Employers to maintain accurate records and we were not interested in making arbitrary changes. Those members who are not employed by the WRHA should be seeing these adjustments relatively soon.

Recruitment and Retention Fund

We are very close to concluding the discussion on this fund. It is my expectation that we will be able to finalize the distribution at our next meeting with the PHLRS to be held on February 15, 2017. It has always been our goal to distribute this fund as equitably as possible and we have made proposals to this effect previously.

More classifications in need

One thing I would like to make clear regarding both of these funds is that all of the classifications included in the original list as included in the Employer’s final offer will be seeing wage adjustments. I would also like to acknowledge that many more classifications are clearly in need of wage adjustments to ensure that we can recruit and retain the professionals we need to provide the services and care to Manitobans that we all deserve. This idea will continue to be carried forward during discussions regarding the Recruitment and Retention Committee as described in MOU #4 in the Collective Agreement. I hesitate to mention any one specific discipline, but I do realize that there are more than a few groups who require this attention.

Public Sector Unions’ Coordination

Many of you will have read a number of media stories regarding the challenges that public sector unions in Manitoba are facing now and for the foreseeable future. MAHCP is proud to be part of a coalition of these public sector unions, while simultaneously disappointed that this is even necessary.

When the Minister of Finance eventually invited “labour” to a meeting on January 5, 2017, I was in attendance. There has been a tremendous amount of work going on since that date in preparation of a follow-up meeting to be held on February 10, 2017. The government is seeking to consult with us to find solutions to the “financial crisis,” as they state it, facing Manitoba. There will be much more information provided as we continue down this path. I must admit that I am pleased with the level of solidarity and cooperation being shown among all public sector unions in this process.

My role is first and foremost to ensure that the interests of MAHCP members are represented in any such discussions. Included in that responsibility is my obligation to work to ensure that the entire Health system is adequately resourced and staffed and that the value of each of you is recognized by the government and the public.

In Solidarity,

Bob Moroz



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