Home > News & Events > MAHCP President’s Update April 9, 2020


As we carry on into the new normal, I want to keep you updated on MAHCP’s activities. All MAHCP members are facing increasingly difficult circumstances as this pandemic evolves in Manitoba, and I want you to know your union has your back.

We continue to hear about shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and inconsistencies in safety protocols and social distancing at sites across the province. MAHCP’s position remains clear: you should be protected to the highest possible standard when on the job. We know the Employer is still working toward their goal of “universal” PPE for all patient contact, and we’ll continue pushing and holding them accountable.

As you know, MAHCP has demanded COVID-related paid leave for affected employees, and we have also demanded automatic workers compensation (WCB) coverage for any health care professional who tests positive. Other health care unions are joining us in those demands. You’re in harm’s way on the job and they should make sure you’re covered if you miss work due to this crisis.

So far, the Provincial Government has refused to step up and meet these basic, fair and reasonable demands. Instead, you’re expected to use your own sick time, vacation or other banked time if you need to self-isolate. They’re nickel and diming you when you’re needed most, this after more than two years of frozen wages, cuts and closures that have left us short-staffed, stretched and under-supported. Their behaviour is shameful, but we’ll continue fighting arm in arm with other health care unions for the support and basic protections you deserve.

I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have written to MAHCP to share your stories. Many of you have shared heart-wrenching stories about how this pandemic is affecting your lives, your child care, your work situations. I simply haven’t been able to respond to every email, but please know that I read them all and I appreciate hearing from you. Every story helps fuel our resolve to fight on your behalf, and in many cases it allows us to raise specific and urgent issues with your Employer.

I also want to thank those of you who have written to your elected officials – every voice helps push Government to do the right thing. If you have the time, please visit our website and take action: https://mahcp.ca/take-action-and-make-your-voice-heard/. And feel free to send a copy to info@mahcp.ca.

Please continue to keep us informed. Together we will get through this current crisis and emerge stronger than before.

In solidarity,

Bob Moroz, MAHCP President

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.