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MAHCP reacts to Manitoba’s Clinical and Preventative Services Plan

MAHCP President Bob Moroz responds to the Pallister Government’s Clinical and Preventative Services Plan, which was made public on Friday, Nov. 29, 2019:

“What this Plan lacks, like many others before it, are the details, especially for us in Allied Health Care. It doesn’t talk about which communities will be affected, which professions and all those things – important details for those who work in health care and those who rely on it.

“We don’t want to see a repeat of what has happened in Winnipeg in the last couple of years, and our members and patients continue to deal with the fallout of those haphazard, poorly planned changes. Earlier this week, we saw WRHA reported wait times going in the wrong direction compared to the same time last year. That’s the tip of the iceberg that we’ve heard from our members: chronic understaffing, more mandatory overtime, and lack of training.

“Also of grave concern to us in Allied Health is the claim that they consulted with the front line in developing this plan, but I’ve looked at their list on the website and it’s overwhelmingly doctors and managers. They need to listen to Allied Health Professionals that are actually delivering front-line care and services, not just for this plan but for everything they do. Allied Health is absolutely critical to health care delivery, but somehow we’re always an afterthought. MAHCP is ready and willing to work with health officials to ensure that Allied Health staffing and service levels are acceptable and appropriate across the province.”



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