Home > News & Events > MAHCP Walkabout for Patient Services


Please join MAHCP leaders, members and friends as we Walk in Support of Patient Services!

These services are being impacted by the impending changes to our provincial health care system.

All MAHCP members, their friends and family, hospital employees, fellow members of other unions and the public are welcome to walk with us.

This event takes place on June 29, 2017, from noon until 1 pm.

We’re meeting at noon at the old HSC ER parking lot on McDermot Avenue and have a route planned that will take the walkers out to Notre Dame Avenue, back to McDermot, to Sherbrook Street and then to William Avenue. If time permits, walkers will continue west on William Avenue to Tecumseh Street and then to McDermot. (Please see attached poster)

Feel free to join us for all or part of the Walk in Support of Patient Services!



Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.