Home > News & Events > MAHCP Wins Big in the Professional, Technical, Paramedical Sector

Winnipeg — The choice for Allied Health Care Professionals is clear: the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP) has been selected to represent the Professional, Technical, Paramedical (PTP) Sector in the new Shared Health and WRHA PTP Bargaining Units.

On behalf of MAHCP, President Bob Moroz wishes to thank everyone who supported us throughout the course of this campaign.

“We couldn’t have achieved this significant victory without the support of our members, our volunteers, our staff and all those Allied Health Care Professionals who voted for MAHCP,” said Moroz.

“Those who cast their votes for MAHCP wanted to be part of a union with a clear focus on Allied Health, a union with the expertise to fight for them. MAHCP has further solidified its reputation as the leader in member services and bargaining for our sector. We are One Strong Voice for Allied Health.”

The health care representation votes, mandated by the Pallister government, were held August 8 to 22, 2019, while the campaign period took place July 11 to August 7, 2019.

Over the next several weeks, MAHCP will be completing the transition of new members and preparing to get back to the bargaining table with the Manitoba Government.

MAHCP President Bob Moroz is available for interviews.  Media inquiries can be directed to Bernice Pontanilla, MAHCP Communications Officer, at bernice@mahcp.ca or 204-290-5829.

Visit mahcp.ca and onestrongvoice.ca for more information on our union and our successful campaign.


Click here for election results.

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