Home > News & Events > MAHCP’s onestrongvoice.ca site gets new look

Our One Strong Voice Together campaign continues to gain support in the face of Bill 29.

Based on the performance of our campaign website so far, we have given the site a refreshed look and feel.

Now we’re encouraging MAHCP members to check it out at onestrongvoice.ca and share it with all Manitobans working in Professional/Technical/Paramedical.

MAHCP is the strongest voice for health care professionals in Manitoba. We have consistently raised the bar in collective agreement negotiations and we’re the only union in health care solely focused on health care.

We’ve also got a little something special. Go to onestrongvoice.ca, show your support and enter to win an MAHCP One Strong Voice T-shirt.

Show your support and be part of MAHCP’s one strong voice!

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.