Home > News & Events > Member update re: Central Table Bargaining


I would like to let all MAHCP members know that we have heard all of the feedback and questions that have been coming regarding the new Central Table Collective Agreements. It is important for you to know that we are listening.

At our recent Executive Council meeting, Directors were able to put forward the questions that they have heard from the members with whom they have contact. We have also received a number of questions from our Labour Relations Officers.

I would therefore like to answer a few of the most common questions that have been asked.

1.  When will the retro pay be delivered?

a.  The Memorandum of Settlement has been signed, so the new pay scales should be in the hands of the various payroll departments very soon, if not already. We have very little control regarding the length of time it will take from when the scales are received and when the actual pay is distributed but we will be monitoring that. We continue to insist that the Employer honour their commitment to us that payment of retroactive wages would be a high priority following ratification.

2.  If I have left my job/retired since April 1, 2014, do I get retro?

a.   Yes, you would be entitled to any wage increases applied between April 1, 2014, and when you left your job. However, you will be required to contact your former Employer to make this request. The Employer is under no obligation to seek out former employees for this reason. Please share this information with anyone you may know who has in fact retired or left the Employer since April 1, 2014.

3.  What about the results of the vote? Can we see the numbers?

a.  This issue was debated at Executive Council on March 9, 2016, and the decision was made to keep the specific numbers internal. The issue of transparency and strategic value of public disclosure of those results was the main issue. We are looking to avoid the situation where future bargaining committees may be affected by the notion that certain groups of members are “happy” with this collective agreement. We understand that in many cases, this is absolutely not the reality and we have in the past been able to use results strategically to make gains elsewhere.

4.  What about the special wage adjustment committees.

a.  We are in discussions with the Employer to create these committees and get those processes moving forward, with a higher priority going to the committees and funds with a shorter time frame. We will continue to update members as more developments happen.


In Solidarity,

Bob Moroz