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Good day MAHCP members,

Voting on the final offer to Central Table from the Provincial Government continues this week in Winnipeg.

Today, myself and other MAHCP officials are at the Norwood Hotel near St. Boniface Hospital until 7 p.m. to answer any questions you may have regarding the final offer.

The Winnipeg meetings, which are also an opportunity for those who did not vote electronically to vote in-person, continue Wednesday at Canad Inns HSC (720 William Ave.) and Thursday at Canad Inns Polo Park (1405 St. Matthews Ave.) from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.

I’d also like to take a moment in this message to address a situation that has recently come to my attention and issue a reminder to all Central Table MAHCP members:

We’ve been very careful to ensure that official communication regarding ratification / strike votes are only sent to personal email addresses, never the employer’s.

MAHCP does not condone the use of the employer’s email system for the purpose of discussing any association business.

The only spokesperson for MAHCP is the President or a specific designate approved by MAHCP.

Thank you all for your attention in this matter.

In Solidarity,

Bob Moroz

MAHCP President

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.