Home > News & Events > Participate in the MAHCP Video Contest

MAHCP is proud to announce its first Video Contest!

The contest, which was officially announced at the MAHCP Annual General Meeting that took place at the Victoria Inn on Oct. 11, 2018, has as its main goal of sharing with the public the important work that our members do each and every day.

Opening date for submissions is on Nov. 1 and the contest runs until Dec. 31, 2018.

Videos should be less than three minutes long and can be comical, serious or anything in-between.

Once the video submissions’ deadline of 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2018, has passed, we will post the videos to our Facebook page and they will be judged on the number of “likes” received.

The prizes for this contest are spectacular! First prize is $1,500, Second prize is $1,000 and Third prize is $500.

We welcome submissions from individual members or groups of members. Please keep in mind that if you are doing a group video and yours happens to win, it is the responsibility of the main submitter of the video to disperse the funds as the group sees fit.

Please visit mahcp.ca/videocontest for more information on the rules, as well as the submission form which goes live on Nov. 1, 2018.

MAHCP staff recorded a comical video of their own that was shared at the AGM and can be viewed on our Facebook page for the next while. This can be found at https://www.facebook.com/manitobaahcp/

Thank you so much, members, and let’s get creative!


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