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Picketing locations – Friday, March 7, 2025

Health Sciences Centre

701 William Avenue, Winnipeg, MB

Morning shift: 8AM – 12PM

Afternoon shift: 12 – 4PM

William Avenue
The north side of the street, from the west end of the William Parkade, up until the intersection of William and Sherbrook.

Sherbook Street
The west side of the street, from the intersection of McDermot and Sherbook to the intersection of William and Sherbrook.

NOTE: When you arrive at the picket line, find a picket captain (wearing a green pinny) to check you IN. When your shift is over/you need to leave, please be sure to find a picket captain to check OUT. You must check in and out in order to receive strike pay.


St. Boniface Hospital

407 Tache Ave, Winnipeg, MB

Morning shift: 8AM – 12PM

Afternoon shift: 12 – 4PM

Taché Avenue
The west side of Tache Avenue, from the northern parking lot entrance (before the round-about) to the southern parking lot entrance (outside the ER).

NOTE: When you arrive at the picket line, find a picket captain (wearing a green pinny) to check you IN. When your shift is over/you need to leave, please be sure to find a picket captain to check OUT. You must check in and out in order to receive strike pay.


Rehabilitation Centre for Children

1155 Notre Dame Ave, Winnipeg, MB

Morning shift: 8AM – 12PM

Afternoon shift: 12 – 4PM

Notre Dame Avenue
The north side of Notre Dame Avenue, from Myrtle Street to the westbound parking lot exit road (close to the intersection of Notre Dame and Wall Street).

NOTE: When you arrive at the picket line, find a picket captain (wearing a green pinny) to check you IN. When your shift is over/you need to leave, please be sure to find a picket captain to check OUT. You must check in and out in order to receive strike pay.


Brandon Regional Health Centre

10 Victoria Ave E, Brandon, MB R7A 1Y8

10 AM – 2 PM

Victoria Ave
The south side of Victoria Ave E, from 1st Street to Frederick Street.

1st Street
East side of 1st Street from Victoria Ave, halfway down to McTavish Ave E

NOTE: When you arrive at the picket line, find a picket captain (wearing a green pinny) to check you IN. When your shift is over/you need to leave, please be sure to find a picket captain to check OUT. You must check in and out in order to receive strike pay.


Daily Picket Checklist

  • Wear appropriate clothing & footwear (be sure to check the forecast each day!)
  • Bring your picket signs (if you made some yourself)
  • Bring snacks & water

Contact information

Picket Line Coordinator

Roger Quenelle


Media Contact

Karen Viveiros

204-772-0425 or 431-323-7499

General Inquiries

MAHCP Office

204-772-0425 or 1 (800) 315-3331