Home > News & Events > President’s Mid-Summer Central Table Bargaining Update


My last update was July 8. Since then, we have no new bargaining dates with the employer.

This left your Executive Council with no other choice but to call a special meeting to discuss the lack of process on the bargaining front.

We have determined that a strike committee is to be formed. Once we have that committee in place, their first role will be to determine the timing, locations and methods for holding a Central Table membership strike vote to provide the bargaining committee with the strong mandate they need to pressure the employer into getting this deal done.

However, that isn’t our only course of action.

The Communications Committee, along with our Communications Officer, has been working on a postcard- and letter-writing campaign directed at the Health Minister to demand a fair deal. This will be rolled out very soon and we are looking for a large number of members to participate. We’ll also be recording new radio ads to highlight the lack of respect towards our members both in the workplace and at the bargaining table – and, despite that, we continue to provide the best health care for Manitobans.

I recently delivered personally a message to the Minister of Health that our members are beyond frustrated and do not have any patience for further delays. I know that the very same message has been delivered to the Premier’s office and the leadership of the regional health authorities and DSM.

I just wanted to let you know that even though there is no progress being made at the table right now, there is a lot of background work going on right now to prepare for what we hope will be a very strong message to the employers: the message that our members have had more than enough with this process and are willing to stand up and be heard and respected for a change.

I know you are frustrated and angry. So am I. We will be coming to you very soon to give us the mandate that we so clearly need to show how critical we are to the health system in Manitoba.

More updates will follow.



Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.