Home > News & Events > President’s Summer 2016 Update


Dear members of MAHCP:

This is a quick update to let you know what has been happening so far this summer. We have now posted our finalized wage scales for all Central Table collective agreements on our website.  These can be found here: https://mahcp.ca/?p=3160

We have also finally received all of our proofed Central Table collective agreements back from the Employer and will be preparing these for signatures. Following the signing of the agreements, we will be posting the agreements on our website and producing printed copies for members.

Standardization Fund

We have met twice over the summer with Employer representatives to determine some of the options for distribution of this fund. We expect to receive a number of distribution options in the very near future which will be brought to a committee made up of Central Table Bargaining Committee members and representatives from each of the 3 groups involved in this fund (Pharmacy Assistants, Dietitians, Social Workers.)

Recruitment and Retention Fund

We are in the process of finalizing meeting dates for the distribution of this fund as well as the creation of the on-going Recruitment and Retention Committee that we agreed to at the bargaining table.

As I write this update, a number of members have been contacting me regarding a rumour that Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists have either been removed from the fund or that they will be receiving no increases out of this fund. This is not true.  We have an agreement with the Employer for the professionals to be included in this group.  This list makes up part of the settlement package and MAHCP has no interest or motivation to remove any of the groups are on this list.  Please rest assured that regardless of the amount of time it is taking to establish this committee, the Employer or Government may not unilaterally change the terms of any part of the final offer that was ratified by members.

We will continue to update members on these funds as well as any other important information.

In solidarity,

Bob Moroz

President, MAHCP

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.