Home > News & Events > President’s update on R&R fund


Dear MAHCP members,

We have an update on the Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Fund.

In our June 2017 newsletter, I wrote that while the negotiation of the R&R Fund had been completed, we were hearing from members about delays in its distribution. Furthermore, I promised to update the membership when we heard back from the employer, which is the reason for this message.

As of today, June 12, we are aware of the continued delay in implementation of this fund in the WRHA. We are also aware that other regions have had this fund implemented (both MAHCP and non-MAHCP).

The latest information that we have from the Provincial Health Labour Relations Services (PHLRS) is that delays seem to be due to certain fiscal year end procedures on their end. This has prevented them from being able to make the changes to the system throughout Winnipeg.

We have been informed that this work is happening now and that the adjustments and retroactive payments should happen in July. We’ll continue to monitor this fund’s distribution and update the membership, if needed.


In solidarity,

Bob Moroz

MAHCP President

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