Home > News & Events > President’s update on WRHA Phase 2 changes to Mental Health and Surgery


We are nearing the end of summer and I wanted to update our members specifically about what is happening with the Phase II WRHA changes.

Many of you will be aware that the Manitoba Nurses Union (MNU) has shared some information with their members regarding the impacts of changes to the Surgery and Mental Health Programs at Seven Oaks General Hospital. This information would have been shared with MNU through a letter called the Employment Security Notice.

MAHCP has not yet received any Employment Security Notice letter from the Employer so we do not have the same level of information to share at this moment.

We do know that the Mental Health changes are expected in early December with the Surgery related changes happening in early to mid-January. There will be impacts on our members and we expect to receive an Employment Security Notice relatively soon.

Once that happens, we will be sharing that information with members.

The Employment Security Notice is required by Memorandum of Understanding #1 of the Collective Agreement. This begins a period where the Employer and MAHCP will meet to determine the labour adjustment strategy for any members or group of members impacted by changes in the delivery of Health Care services.

In Solidarity,

Bob Moroz
MAHCP President


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