Home > News & Events > Relive the MAHCP Video Contest with Throwback Thursdays

Over the next several weeks, MAHCP will be showcasing our wonderful entries into the MAHCP Video Contest in our #ThrowbackThursdays series!

Our videos will be featured one each Thursday via our Facebook and Twitter pages.  If you’d like to see all videos at once, they’re located on this page.

As a quick recap, the MAHCP Video Contest saw groups of members creatively put together videos on their professions and the top three videos were voted on via our Facebook page.

The top three (pictured with their presentation cheques below) were:

1   Lab Life
2   Dietitians of Thompson
3   Sweet Child Life

This contest received a LOT of traction online, thousands of Facebook “Likes” were recorded, and we saw hundreds of new followers of our Facebook Page. A local newspaper in Thompson also covered it, which was a pleasant surprise.

The MAHCP Video Contest was officially announced during the MAHCP AGM in October of 2018. For members, this was their chance to share with the public the important work that they do each and every day, and that’s exactly what they did.

Once again, a big THANK YOU to all who participated in making the videos, MAHCP staff who reviewed them, and all who voted via our Facebook page.

We hope that you enjoy our #ThrowbackThursdays series!


Our top three teams – Lab Life, Dietitians of Thompson and Sweet Child Life – were presented with their cheques in the weeks after the contest closed.

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