Home > News & Events > Representation Votes Are Complete. Now What?

MAHCP provides answers

In the wake of the health care representation votes held in the summer of 2019, MAHCP has received many questions from both current and new, incoming members.  Thank you for your interest and engagement!

To help you better understand this process, we have created the following FAQ. More questions and answers will be added as we know more, so please check back often. If you don’t see an answer to your question, please email us at info@mahcp.ca and we’ll respond as soon as we can.

In addition, MAHCP President Bob Moroz will provide ongoing updates once we have received the official list of new MAHCP members and contact information from the Commissioner/Employer.

For those who will be joining MAHCP as a result of the votes, welcome!

Our goal is to make the transition to your new union as smooth as possible. We will continue to work in solidarity with our fellow unions toward this goal.

Now that representation votes are done, does MAHCP represent me immediately?

MAHCP received the Commissioner’s decision stating that the new certificates have an effective date of Dec. 13, 2019. Therefore, MAHCP will represent the new members starting on Dec. 13, 2019.

For our members in the NRHA, the new certificate will be in effect on Dec. 8, 2019, however, there is no effect on our membership in this region since there was no representation vote.

What happens in the meantime?

Until Dec. 13, 2019, you continue to be represented by the same union that you had before the vote. You will continue to pay dues to that union and be represented by them.

Once the new certificates are in effect on Dec. 13, 2019, then you will begin paying dues and being represented by your new union.  If you were included in the Professional/Technical/Paramedical Sector in the new Shared Health or WRHA bargaining units, you will be an MAHCP member effective immediately on Dec. 13, 2019.

What about my collective bargaining agreement?

You will continue to be covered by your current collective bargaining agreement even after MAHCP becomes your union.  You will keep your current agreement, and MAHCP will protect your rights and benefits under that agreement, until a new one is negotiated and ratified by the membership.

When will negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement begin?

This remains unknown. MAHCP will be lobbying the Provincial Government to get back to the negotiating table for our sector as soon as possible.

What about bargaining proposals?

MAHCP was well into our bargaining process for a new agreement when the Manitoba Government passed Bill 29, The Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review Act. Bargaining has been on hold for over two years because of Bill 29 and much has changed in that time.

Now that we have an effective date for the new certificates (Dec. 13, 2019), MAHCP will be tapping all our members, both current and new, for your input on new bargaining proposals.  MAHCP will also review bargaining proposals that were submitted two years ago to see which ones still apply and can be carried forward.

The bargaining proposal form can be found here: https://mahcp.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Bargaining-Proposal-Form.pdf

What are “receiving agreements”?

“Receiving agreement” is a term used in Bill 29 and refers to the collective agreement that will form the basis of negotiations with the Provincial Government once we get back to the table. The receiving agreement, determined by the Bill 29 Commissioner, will be the agreement of the successful union that covers the largest number of members within the new bargaining unit.

The Commissioner has determined receiving agreements for the Professional/Technical/Paramedical (PTP) Sectors that MAHCP will represent as follows:

I will be new to MAHCP, how do I find out more about my new union?

Please visit www.mahcp.ca to learn more about MAHCP, our structure, our service model, our Constitution and our collective agreements.  Feel free to email info@mahcp.ca with additional questions, or contact us by phone at 204-772-0425 or toll free at 1-800-315-3331.

In addition, MAHCP President Bob Moroz and staff will be hitting the road as soon as possible once certificates are issued to meet our new members and to introduce MAHCP.  We look forward to meeting you soon.

Please continue to contact your current union for any labour relations matters until the new bargaining unit certificates issued by the Commissioner take effect on Dec. 13, 2019.


Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Louis Riel Day.