Home > News & Events > Signed MAHCP card required to vote in VP election


To be eligible to vote in the 2017 MAHCP Vice Presidential election, members must be a member in good standing, and to be in good standing requires signing an “Application for Membership.”

The application can be easily filled out by printing off this application form, filling it out and then sending it back to us by Aug. 31, 2017. This can be done by:

  • Scanning and sending it to MAHCP via personal/home email address
  • Faxing it to us at 204-775-6829
  • Or dropping it off at our office: 101-1500 Notre Dame Ave. in Winnipeg

There are two candidates running for the position of Vice President:

  • Tanya Burnside
  • Janet Fairbairn

Their bios can be viewed at here.

The Vice President debate will take place at 5 p.m. on Aug. 30 at Canad Inns HSC. Soon after will be the electronic vote (E-vote) for Vice President, which runs from Sept. 5 to 12.


In Solidarity,

Michael Kleiman
Chair-Nominations Committee

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