Home > News & Events > Strike E-vote wraps up on Monday, September 28


There are only a few days left to cast your ballot in MAHCP’s online Strike Vote, which ends at 5 p.m. on Monday, September 28, 2015.

If you are an MAHCP Central Table Bargaining Unit member and would still like to participate in this Strike E-vote, please send a message to info@mahcp.ca from your home email address stating your name and that you’d like to join the E-vote.

New addresses will only be accepted until Sunday evening, to allow enough time for our staff to process them.

The MAHCP Executive Council chose to conduct this E-vote, which is MAHCP’s first foray into online voting, because they felt that this is the way of the future, and hope that it will result in more members participating in the decision-making process that is at the heart of a democratic organization like ours.

But have no fear!

If you would still like to vote past that date, there will be meetings held in Thompson, Flin Flon, The Pas and Winnipeg where ballots will be made available for those who did not vote electronically.

The meetings will take place:

  • September 30 – Days Inn, Thompson, 5-9pm
  • October 1 – Victoria Inn, Flin Flon, 5-9pm
  • October 2 – Kikiwak Inn, The Pas, 3-9pm
  • October 5 – Canad Inns HSC, Winnipeg, 7am-7pm
  • October 6 – Saints Peter and Paul Parish Centre, 400 Marion St., Winnipeg, 7am-6pm



Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.