Home > MAHCP Events > Upcoming AGM 2023

Join us through Zoom for our 2023 Annual General Meeting. Please note, you must be a MAHCP Member in Good Standing* or an Associate Member** to register for the AGM.

All Members in Good Standing who attend the AGM will be entered into a draw for several fantastic door prizes. Note: All Members in Good Standing must register prior to noon on Monday, October 9th in order to vote at the AGM and be eligible for the prize draws.

Register before October 1st and be entered in our early-bird draw!

Download poster here.

Prize draw will occur after conclusion of meeting portion of the evening. Please note, you must be present for the entirety of the meeting to be eligible for our prize draw.

Agenda and more information to follow.

*A Member in Good Standing is a member who has signed an MAHCP Member Card and/or filled out a Membership Application form. If you register for the AGM and are unsigned, we will be in contact with you to ensure you fill out the form.

**An Associate Member is a member who is either MAHCP staff, or a retired/resigned member that has paid the $10/year dues. Associate Members are not eligible to vote at the AGM and are not entered in the door prizes draw.

Wondering if you'll be scheduled as "essential" during the strike? Ask your manager.