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Central Table Bargaining 2006


Please click here to read the enhancements to the recently negotiated collective agreements.


March 6, 2008

We are in the final stages of dealing with Central Table Bargaining issues, some discussions still have to occur regarding salary scales at the larger sites and we have met with the Employer the week of February 19th to address them.  As of March 6 we have not had a response regarding our issues regarding the salary scales at several sites.

Outside of these wage scale discrepancies at these particular sites, the compiling and printing of the Collective Agreements is underway.  We expect to have them in our members’ hands very shortly.  We are in the signing stage and then will have to have the Employer sign them as well.  This as well is an onerous task and we appreciate the members’  patience.

December 17, 2007

Members are asking us why it is taking so long to produce the new Collective Agreements when some of their counterparts who belong to other unions have already received theirs.

Here’s why ours are taking longer:

First and foremost we have been in dispute with the employer over a number of classifications being excluded from increases that came out of the last round of bargaining. This has gone on for seven months and as of today’s date has just been resolved.

As we must now wait for the employer to provide us with revised salary scales this will also hold up the process.

The “scale” and process are also issues that other unions have less difficulty dealing with because they are frankly, smaller. Westman Labs has a single bargaining unit comprised of a single discipline; the Grace Hospital has several disciplines but only for one site.

We on the other hand are representing three regions and multiple sites with over 160 different classifications. This makes the scale of proofing and calculating the new wage tiers a much more daunting and time consuming task than other unions representing Professional/technical groups may have.

Add to that, the back and forth corrections between the employer and our selves, that result from the proofing’s and it all takes time.

We are endeavoring to get the new Collective Agreements in the member’s hands as soon as possible and ask for your patience and understanding in this matter.

October 11, 2007
New Collective Agreements

The Union has proofed the new collective agreements and are in the process of making the corrections to the documents.

Following that they will be sent back to the Employer to be approved, however the outstanding Laboratory and Radiology issues will have to be settled prior to printing occurring.

Dates have been set in November with the Manitoba Labour Board to have these issues heard unless the Employer and MAHCP are able to come to an agreement prior to the dates with the Manitoba Labour Board.

September 11, 2007
HSC Lab & Radiology Secondary Increase
Regarding The Health Sciences Centre Lab and Radiology secondary increase:

We have been informed by the Labour Relations Secretariat that in order to expedite the retroactive payments to the membership at HSC they did not process the secondary increase when it came through.

As a result a second retro payment for these groups is being processed at this time and we are told it should be paid within the next two pay periods in HSC?s estimate.

Following that the correct pay scale should also be reflected on the members pay stubs.

Should you encounter any problems with your pay scales following the second retro we encourage you to bring them to the attention of your Labour Relations Officer for assistance.

August 8, 2007

Bargaining Update
In spite of ongoing discussions with the Labour Relations Secretariat, we have been unable to come to an agreement regarding the related groups to Lab and Radiology or the Employers proposed extension of the last increment for Lab and Radiology being extended into the next round of bargaining (2010) as compensation from that package.

We have filed an Unfair Labour Practice against the employers represented at the Central Table to the Manitoba Labour Board and the Board has agreed to hear the complaint.

Dates for the hearing have been scheduled for November and December of 2007.

The MAHCP has also agreed to a preliminary Mediation session in September with goal being to possibly resolve these issues without a hearing, however, if agreement is not reached in this non binding Mediation we will proceed to having the Board hear our complaint in late November 2007.

June 29, 2007
Update of Lab and Radiology Wage Rate Information

Please click here for a pdf of the updated lab and radiology wage rates.  If you need further clarification, please contact Lee Manning at 772-0425 or lee@mahcp.ca.

June 28, 2007
Process for Updating the New Collective Agreements

•New wage rates are sent to us by the Employer and verified
•The LRO present at the bargaining table amends the CA?s with any new language agreed to
•Then they are given to the Administrative Assistant who formats them for proofing
•They are proofed by the Bargaining Committee
•They are then sent to the Employers to be proofed by their committee
•Any edits that are required from this process are then done by the LRO present at bargaining
•Originals are printed and signed by the Employer and Bargaining Committee
•Some are printed by MAHCP and some are sent out to be printed
•Following printing, all are distributed by MAHCP to the Membership and Employers

As you can see, this is a very time consuming process particularly with the many recent wage rate changes by the Employer for certain groups.

We thank you for your patience.


May 30, 2007

Update Re:  Additional Increases to Laboratory and Radiology Salary Scales

Upon further dialogue with the Labour Relations Secretariat regarding the terms and conditions of the Westman Labs agreement the Labour Relations Secretariat informs us that this agreement was negotiated differently than the MAHCP Agreement in that it was negotiated based on the premise of specific rates paid on specific dates in terms of dollar value at the top rate, not percentage increases as was the case with MAHCP.

This changes the differential in percentage terms between the General Duty, Senior and Charge rates, however, the differential dollar wise remains the same from top rate to top rate over the term of the Collective Agreement.  Ie. approximately $9000.00 difference between the General Duty and Charge rates and approximately $4,000.00 between General Duty and Senior pay scales remains the same.

Another difference that occurs as a result of this is that the rates are broken up over two increments in some years, resulting in lower rates than the percentage rates would have provided for ie. the part of the year from April to October would be lower, then higher from October to April.

It remains that if we wish to enjoy these additional increases we are limited to the scope of how this was agreed to at Westman Labs.

We are in dispute with the Employer?s representative, (the Labour Relations Secretariat) and have filed an application with the Manitoba Labour Board in an attempt to resolve it.

The issues in dispute remain that all monies must be paid within the term of the agreement, four (4) years, and which related groups are to be included in the increase.

The Labour Relations Secretariat, who bargains on behalf of the Employers at Central Table bargaining has informed us that they have instructed the Employers to implement the Westman Labs increases (as presented in the table on this website) in spite of the dispute.

The MAHCP maintains that its position that should the issue be resolved by a third party in our favour the appropriate adjustments to salary and related groups would be retroactive.


May 16, 2007
Rates for Respiratory Therapists, Pharmacists and Resource Coordinators
Click here for the new rates for the above groups.


May 16, 2007
All Groups Now Ratified
The ratification/strike vote for the Seven Oaks General Hospital, WRHA Critical Care Transport Team and DSM Misericordia Health Centre was conducted yesterday and all three groups have now ratified.


May 15, 2007
Market Adjustment – Laboratory and Radiology

We are continuing to engage the Employer in discussions regarding the additional monies secured for Laboratory and Radiology and related groups.

These discussions are a result of a “me too” agreement reached at our Bargaining Table on May 8, 2007 that allowed our membership to receive the same increases as negotiated at any other Professional Technical table in the Province during the life of the new agreement.

Areas of dispute include timing of the last increase and which groups are related to the Laboratory and Radiology groups.

It is MAHCP’s position that all groups that were listed as related under Market Adjustment for Laboratory and Radiology are entitled to this additional funding.

We continue to bargain with the Employer on these matters with the goal of a positive outcome for our membership.

–         Laboratory Technologists
–         Radiology Technologists
–         Radiopharmacy Technologist
–         MRI Technologists
–         Technical Instructor
–         Pediatric Area Supervisor
–         Nuclear Medicine Technologist
–         Clinical Trials Coordinator (PET)
–         Sonographers
–         Educational Coordinator
–         Pediatric Cardiovascular Pulmonary Technician

–         Pediatric Cardiovascular Pulmonary Technologist
–         Pediatric Cardiovascular Pulmonary Supervisor
–         Radiation Protection Officers
–         Assistant Radiation Safety Coordinator
–         Cardiovascular Technologists

–         EEG Technologists
–         EMG Technologists
–         Pathology Assistants
–         Immunogenetics Technologists
–         Cytogenetics Technologists
–         Cytology Technologists
–         Undergraduate X-Ray Technology
–         Quality Assurance Coordinator
–         Coordinator R & D Lab Medicine
–         Unregistered Vascular Technician
–         Registered Vascular Technology
–         Critical Equipment Specialists
–         Polysomnography Technologist (Certified)
–         Polysomnography Technician Trainee
–         Coordinator Sleep Lab
–         Neurosurgical Monitoring Technician (uncertified)
–         Neurosurgical Monitoring Technologist (certified)

Click here for the Laboratory and Radiology rates.


May 11, 2007
Ratification/Strike Vote
A ratification/strike vote meeting for Seven Oaks Hospital, DSM Misericordia and WRHA Critical Care Transport Team will be held on May 15, 2007 at the MAHCP Office from 11am to 8:30 pm.  Members will be able to vote at any time during the stated meeting time.  If no tentative agreement is reached this will be a strike vote.


May 10, 2007
Bargaining Update
We are engaged in ongoing discussions with the Employer regarding the Westman Lab’s offer and the ramifications to our bargaining units.  We will be updating the website as new information becomes available.


May 4, 2007
Strike Update
Strike action for the WRHA Transport Team, Seven Oaks General Hospital, and the DSM-Misericordia site has been put in abeyance pending the outcome of ongoing meetings with the employer next week, starting on May 8th.  We will continue to update the site as information becomes available.


May 1, 2007
Salary Increases and Retro
To all of the sites and regions that have Ratified the new Collective Agreement:

The Employer has notified us that they have begun the process of implementing the new pay scales and retro payment into their systems.

Depending on the sophistication and size of the site/region you should see the pay increases promptly,  however, the retro payments will take longer to implement.

The employer has committed to “endeavour” to provide the retro to all sites/regions within 60 days of ratification dependent again upon size of site/facility etc.


April 23, 2007
The MAHCP collective agreements suffered no language take aways.  Please see the attached document for enhancements to the existing language.


April 16, 2007
Central Bargaining Table Tentative Agreement Correction
A duplication was discovered on the list of market adjustment groups.  Respiratory Therapy, Pulmonary Technologists, Anesthesia Technologists, Perfusionists and Orthopedic Technologists had been included with Laboratory, Diagnostic Imaging, Cardiology and EMS.  These five groups qualified for a different market adjustment which is outlined separately in the document.  Click here for the corrected document.


April 14, 2007
Central Bargaining Table Tentative Agreement
The Central Bargaining Table has a tentative agreement for your review.  Click here for the complete wage proposal.  If you have any questions, please bring them to one of the meetings listed here.  Click here for a map to Room S211 at the U of M HSC site for the meeting on April 25, 2007.


April 11, 2007
MAHCP Seeking Strike Captains
On Monday evening, April 9th, the Association sent out a voice mail message to staff reps which contained the following message:

“This is a message from your union, MAHCP. My name is Bob. I am the chair of the communication committee for the Manitoba Association of HealthCare Professionals. I am calling you because you are currently on our list as a staff rep for the union.

At this point in the central table negotiations, the association has told the employer that by April 13, we will be going to the membership with either a contract to ratify, or to request a strike vote. Member meetings relating to this will take place during the last two weeks of April.

At this time, the union wants to identify those among you who would be willing to take on the role of a strike captain. Although we cannot predict which direction the negotiations will take, it is important to have as much advance preparation as possible.

If you, or someone from your department, would be interested in such a role, please contact Heather at the association?s office to indicate so. You can contact her by phone or by email at heather@mahcp.ca. Please put the phrase ?strike captain? in the email?s subject.

If you are not currently active as a staff rep, please contact the office so that we are able to update our files.
Thank you for your time and for your continued participation with the union.”

Click here for poster.


April 5, 2007
Meetings will be held with membership on April 16, 17, 18, 19 and 24, 25, 26, 2007.  Click here for more details.


March 21, 2007
We have met 8 times with the employer since the last update.

We have only a few local issues to be dealt with and the Employer has tabled and “opening” wage offer that is below the Provincial average and excludes many of the groups submitted for Market and Special adjustments.

We have tabled a wage proposal that includes all of the groups submitted for Market and a significant general wage increase.

We have seven more days scheduled for April 2-5 and 11 -13 at which time we are cautiously optimistic that we will achieve a final offer for members to ratify or in the event that we are not successful we will be seeking a strike vote.

Notices for meetings will be posted once set.


March 1, 2007

The focus of the last round of Central Table Bargaining was to deal with proposals from both local tables.

Multiple exchanges took place and there are only a few issues left outstanding at the local level with the exception of EMS which has yet to be discussed.

New momentum by the Employer at Central Table resulted in many of the outstanding erosionary proposals being moved off the table leaving only a few proposals to be discussed.

We have five days of bargaining scheduled from March 5 to March 9th.  We also have three days scheduled from March 19th to 21st.


February 1, 2007
The Bargaining Committee met with the employer over an eight day period in January. Both Central Table proposals and Local Proposals were discussed. At the end of this period, eighteen proposals remain on the Central Table; eleven of them are the Association?s and the remaining seven are the employer’s.

Over the course of this lengthy round of bargaining, the employer has been playing a “numbers game”. The Association has been inundated with erosionary proposals with a trade for trade tactic towards a goal of achieving a status quo collective agreement.

It is the opinion of the bargaining committee that we are close to reaching an impasse at Central Table. If that occurs, we will have to explore our options. One option to be seriously considered will be to go to our membership.


December 20, 2006
We have met with the employer seven times in December.  It is somewhat unfortunate that the Christmas break has interrupted the small momentum achieved since we last bargained.

At the time of the last update we had over fifty proposals combined on the table (Employer and MAHCP).  In the past seven days of bargaining we have been able to reduce this to less than twenty combined proposals.

Our next dates are for mid-January of 2007 and the Employer still has a great number of erosive proposals that are unacceptable to us on the table, however I am optimistic that we will be looking at wages by March of 2007.


December 19, 2006
Additional bargaining dates have been scheduled for:
January 24 – 26, 2007
February 12 – 16, 2007
March 5-9, 2007


November 23, 2006
Since our last update we have met with the employer nine times.

The Employer has shown very little movement over this time and if this strategy continues we may be bargaining well into 2007.

To date the employer has twenty two proposals at the monetary table that are erosions of our current collective agreements language and would if accepted decrease the current compensation enjoyed by our members.

The MAHCP has thirty six proposals remaining on the table.

To date there has been no discussions on local proposals.

We have seven days booked in December to continue bargaining and five days booked in January of 2007 at this time.


October 13, 2006
Additional bargaining dates have been scheduled for:
November 14 to 17, 2006
December 4 to 7, 2006
December 18 to 20, 2006
January 15 to 19, 2007


October 4, 2006
After numerous meetings with the employer we have addressed many of our non-monetary proposals and in the interest of moving negotiations forward have moved the remaining issues to the monetary table.

We are extremely disappointed at the lack of movement on even the most trivial of issues raised at this table to date and anticipate a difficult and long round of bargaining for monetary and local issues.

September 28, 2006
Bargaining has been cancelled on October 23 and 24 and changed to November 1, 2 and 3.


September 14, 2006
October 25, 26 and 27 bargaining dates have been cancelled.

Bargaining will continue on September 25 to 29; October 2 to 6; 23, 24, 30 and 31.


June 30, 2006
The Bargaining Committee met with the employer for 8 days in June to continue with non-monetary bargaining.  Although there has been some movement, we are disappointed that the process remains a slow one.  We are unable to meet with the employer over the summer months (July and August) however we were able to secure dates in September and October to continue bargaining.

The next dates are as follows:
September 5 to 8 and 25 to 29
October 2 to 6; 23 to 27 and 30 to 31


June 9, 2006
After 13 days of bargaining, many important non-monetary issues remain on the table.

The employer has made some movement however all movement at this time has only taken us to status quo.

It is anticipated that we will not be bargaining through the months of July and August as both sides’ schedules may not permit this.

We have three more days of bargaining scheduled in June (the 21st, 22nd and 23rd) and we are not optimistic that all non-monetary issues will be settled in that time, meaning that when bargaining resumes in the Fall, we may still be dealing with non-monetary issues.


May 18, 2006
In addition to the dates listed below, bargaining will also be taking place on June 21, 22 and 23, 2006.


April 28, 2006
MAHCP 2006 Central Bargaining Negotiations began on April 21st.  We have met with the employer for four days and our next meetings are scheduled to resume on May 15th.

If any member is interested in obtaining a copy of the Association’s initial proposals, please call the office at 772-0425.


March 17, 2006
MAHCP has confirmed collective bargaining dates with the employer for the central table negotiations. Both parties will meet to exchange proposals on April 21, with bargaining continuing on the following dates:

•Monday, April 24th
•Tuesday, April 25th
•Wednesday, April 26th
•The week of May 15th through to and including the 19th
•The week of May 29th through to and including June 2nd


February 13, 2006

MAHCP Lee Manning – Lead Negotiator
Wendy Despins – Chairperson
Karen Noga – Labour Relations Officer

CancerCare Manitoba Jenn Moyer, Radiation Therapy

Concordia Hospital Allan Harlow, Laboratory Technologist
Cindy Dziadek, Pharmacy Technician

Deer Lodge Centre Cathy Atkinson, Recreation Therapist

Health Sciences Centre Jason Linklater, Orthopedic Technology
Shirley Luczenczyn, Radiology

NorMan Regional Health Authority Bernie Krawchuk, Resource Coordinator

St. Boniface General Hospital Jo-Anne Peltz, Physiotherapist
Michael Bachynsky, Respiratory

Central Bargaining 2006 Questionnaire





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