Home > Media Releases > MEDIA ADVISORY – Budget 2024

WHAT: On behalf of our 7,000+ highly specialized allied health members, Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP) President Jason Linklater will attend today’s provincial Budget 2024 introduction at the Legislative Building at 2:30 PM. Linklater will be available in the Rotunda immediately following the budget speech to share MAHCP’s perspectives on the proposed investments in healthcare and offer commentary on specific commitments.

WHO: Jason Linklater, President, MAHCP

PRE-BUDGET STATEMENT: “Understaffed allied health professionals are struggling to provide care to Manitobans, and that daily struggle is reflected in rising wait times and in heart-wrenching patient testimonials. We have heard the promises that help is coming. The frontline is holding on, but this budget needs to show them that those promises are real. Specialized allied health professionals need to see commitments to train and hire additional staff, and targeted retention incentives to keep the people we have. Investments in healthcare must be the primary focus of this budget, if we want to build a strong, sustainable public health care system that will be there for all Manitobans when they need it.

Read MAHCP’s Pre-Budget Submission: Budget submission Feb 2024 (mahcp.ca)

Our three key recommendations:

  1. Focus on critical retention & recruitment initiatives.
  2. Deliver much-needed improvements to health-care employee benefits and supports to bolster staff resilience and boost Manitoba’s competitiveness.
  3. Expand training for high-demand allied health professions, including more accessible opportunities and incentives for rural and Northern Manitobans.

For more information or to arrange an interview with Jason Linklater:

Karen Viveiros, Communications Officer
e: karenv@mahcp.ca or cell 431-323-7499

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