Home > News & Events > Member Profiles > Meet Jean-Luc Tetreault: CT Technologist at HSC

Jean-Luc Tetreault, a General Duty CT Technologist at Health Sciences Centre, graduated from Red River College and was hired into his position three months after graduation.

“I’ve been working in CT for four years, after 10 years in patient transport (Stretcher Services of Manitoba and Interfacility Transport in British Columbia). My time in patient transport allowed me to do some thinking while transporting patients to and from appointments, and opened up avenues for me to explore. I decided MRT was the career path I wanted to pursue.”

Jean-Luc says that being an MRT is more than just taking x-rays and pushing a button.

“Manitobans should know that they are in the care of technologists, and not just doctors and nurses. As MRT’s, we advocate for our patients and we know what the doctors need to visualize when it comes to having a CT scan, or what position is required for a particular x-ray. Medical Radiation Technology, and all allied health professions actually, are specialties, and we play a key part in patient care.”

Jean-Luc, a married father of two-year old Isla and two-month old Jay, keeps busy outside of work with golf, fishing, hunting, hiking, exercising and running.

“This is a great career, but I had to study hard; the learning is very fast paced and intense but worth the reward! 
My role as a technologist working at Health Sciences Centre keeps the excitement going.”

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