Home > News & Events > Portfolios assigned to new LROs


After a successful summer of job-shadowing and training, our new Labour Relations Officers Angie Boehm and Chelsea Kaufmann are ready to take on their new portfolios.

As I reported in the September Newsletter, Angie and Chelsea joined MAHCP in June. Both are graduates of a recognized Human Resources Management Program.

Over the summer, Angie took on Deer Lodge Centre and Pharmacy. Effective on Oct. 2, 2017, she will also be taking on the HSC Pharmacy Program.

Chelsea’s portfolio will consist of Community Therapy Services; Diagnostic Services Manitoba – Northern and Southern Regions; and WRHA Corporate Program – Access Downtown, Critical Care Transport Team, Clinical Engineering, Home Care, Nutrition/FS/Family Med, Occupational Environmental Safety & Health, Tissue Bank, Breast Health Centre. This portfolio is also in effect on Oct. 2.

We wish them the best with their portfolios. Furthermore, I’d like to thank our current LROs for the wonderful job they did mentoring Angie and Chelsea.

The full list of portfolios can be found here.

Lee Manning, Executive Director

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