MAHCP Wins Big in the Professional, Technical, Paramedical Sector
Read Article: MAHCP Wins Big in the Professional, Technical, Paramedical SectorWinnipeg — The choice for Allied Health Care Professionals is clear: the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP) has been selected to represent the…
Your Vote Matters
Read Article: Your Vote MattersVoting starts at noon today, and more and more we’re hearing that the choice for Professional, Technical and Paramedical Health Care Employees is clear. They’re…
MAHCP – Better vacation language
Read Article: MAHCP – Better vacation languageThe Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals is the best vote for Professional, Technical, Paramedical experts in Manitoba! There’s a major difference between MAHCP…
MAHCP welcomes new LRO Cory Szczepanski
Read Article: MAHCP welcomes new LRO Cory SzczepanskiMAHCP is pleased to announce that Cory Szczepanski has joined our team as a Labour Relations Officer. Cory is an experienced LRO, with 15 years…
Join us for MAHCP’s ‘Get Out the Vote’ party!
Read Article: Join us for MAHCP’s ‘Get Out the Vote’ party!The campaign period is quickly wrapping up, with voting set to start at 12 p.m. next Thursday, August 8. So many of our members have given…
MAHCP – Grievances resolved quicker
Read Article: MAHCP – Grievances resolved quickerThe Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals is the best vote for Professional, Technical, Paramedical experts in Manitoba! We have a proven track record…
MAHCP – Bargaining Experts
Read Article: MAHCP – Bargaining ExpertsThe Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals is the best vote for Professional, Technical, Paramedical experts in Manitoba! We are the recognized leader in…
MAHCP – Our focus is health care
Read Article: MAHCP – Our focus is health careThe Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals is the best vote for Professional, Technical, Paramedical experts in Manitoba! Our only focus is Allied Health…
Physiotherapy Director candidates’ bios now available
Read Article: Physiotherapy Director candidates’ bios now availableWe have two MAHCP members running for the office of Physiotherapy Director. This election, which is being conducted in accordance to Article 7 of the…
One Strong Voice for Allied Health
Read Article: One Strong Voice for Allied HealthTomorrow, July 11, is the start of the four-week campaign period for health care representation votes that have been mandated by the Pallister government. Your…
Representation Votes Announced: August 8-22, 2019
Read Article: Representation Votes Announced: August 8-22, 2019This afternoon, MAHCP and other unions learned from Commissioner Robert Pruden that the representation votes resulting from Bill 29, the Health Sector Bargaining Unit Review…
June 2019 Newsletter
Read Article: June 2019 NewsletterMAHCP’s June newsletter is now available online here. Reminder: Scholarships deadline is July 15, 2019.